The Feldenkrais Method® is a portal to self-learning and internal systems/culture re-configuration.  Through slow and gentle movements (in structured Awareness Through Movement® lessons or individualized Functional Integration® sessions) we gather evidence, based on your first-hand experiences. We test out options to arrive at easier, clearer, more effective ways of moving.  We see and work with you in your wholeness – shaped as you are by distinct combination of thoughts, feelings, sensations and movements/actions.

The movements and sensory observations engage you at a systemic level, e.g., the nervous system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the visual system etc. With each movement, these systems are taken into a conversation with one another – you unconsciously learn and reconfigure yourself.  

In Feldenkrais, rest is a space for intelligence gathering and integration. Quality matters more than quantity. We encourage self-learning through exploration, curiosity, non-judgement, ease and playfulness. Engaging with the Method is an opportunity to practice and expand self-awareness, to bear witness to yourself and to start reshaping your internal culture.

The Method is accessible to people of all shapes, sizes, ages, identities and movement abilities. I endeavor to adapt individual sessions, classes and workshop content to meet diverse student circumstances.  I regularly (and upon request) hold classes which are only for people from Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.